Friday, October 12, 2007

Forrester Social Computing Conference

Sitting in the Grand Ballroom of the Hilton in Chicago and wondering how and when our clients will grasp the idea that we are losing control of the traditional communication process.

It has been a hard road to get them onto the Internet, and most are still in the web 1.0 world. Now 2.0 is here and the road just got steeper.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Sugar fix or High protein

Used to be we all ate together at work. Now we sit in front of our computers and catch up on e-mail. Only social event is waiting for the microwave so we can nuke our food. So conversation is in 2 and a half minute snatches, with the conversation trailing downt the hall as the next lunch is heated up. Sort of a statement of our attention span today.

No diet soda in the machine, so full sugar is the name of the game, making lunch much more fun.